About Us


OurSpace is a Toronto-based collective of youth leaders who create innovative spaces for young guys who like guys to come together, learn from each other, discuss social issues, and have fun! Through interactive workshops, discussion groups, and social events, we strive to empower each other with the knowledge, skills, and networks necessary to support our overall health and wellbeing.


To build a unified community where young guys who like guys take care of themselves and each other to live happier and healthier lives.


We apply anti-oppressive principles and practices to create safer and affirming spaces for all guys who like guys.

Community Engagement
We build on the strengths of young guys who like guys to recognize, understand, and address the challenges faced in our lives.

Youth Leadership
We support the development and empowerment of emerging youth leaders to work toward social change.

We see health in terms of our overall well-being, which includes, but is not limited to, our mental emotional, physical, social, sexual, and spiritual selves.

We strive to achieve the highest standards of excellence, transparency, and accountability in the decisions we make and the actions we take. It is for this reason that we work directly with the communities we serve.